
Dengue is an infection caused by the dengue virus of which there are four different types (serogroups) DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4. The disease is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito. The mosquitoes that spread dengue usually breed in urban areas close to human habitation and are most active during daylight hours. Although unpleasant, dengue is usually a self-limiting illness. However, a small, but significant, number of people can develop more life-threatening infection (severe dengue).

The disease is common in the tropics. Affected areas include the Caribbean, South and Central America, Africa, Asia and the Pacific Islands. Although less common, outbreaks are increasingly being reported outside tropical areas, including in Europe, with locally acquired cases reported in Croatia, France, Italy, Madeira and Spain.

Dengue does not occur naturally in the United Kingdom (UK) but is reported in travellers returning from dengue affected areas. Cases of dengue in UK travellers are increasing, with most reported in travellers who visited Asia, Central and South America or the Caribbean. Country-specific information on dengue is available on our Country Information pages and current dengue outbreaks are listed on our Outbreak Surveillance section.

All travellers to dengue endemic countries are at risk of dengue infection. The chance of becoming infected with dengue is determined by several factors, including destination, length of exposure and season of travel. Risk is thought to be higher during periods of intense mosquito feeding activity (two to three hours after dawn and during the early evening). Travellers, who spend long periods in areas where dengue is common, are at increased risk, but even short-term visitors can be infected.

Approximately 40 to 80 percent of people infected with dengue remain symptom-free. If symptoms do occur, the illness usually begins abruptly with a high fever, and is often accompanied by a severe headache, muscle and joint pain, nausea, vomiting and a rash. Most infections are self-limiting, with a rapid recovery three to four days after the rash appears.

A small number of people develop more severe illness with symptoms which can include dangerously low blood pressure (shock), fluid build-up in the lungs and severe bleeding. There is no specific drug treatment for severe dengue illness, although hospital admission and careful management of fever, fluid balance and pain can help with recovery. If left untreated, severe dengue illness can be fatal. With good medical care, death due to severe dengue is typically less than one percent.


Travellers can check our Country Information pages for information on the risk of dengue at their destination. Mosquito bite avoidance is recommended. As dengue is spread by day-biting mosquitoes, particular care with bite avoidance is advised during the day, especially around dawn and dusk.

A vaccine, Qdenga®▼ has been licensed in the UK for the prevention of dengue disease in individuals from 4 years of age.

The UK Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has advised that Qdenga®▼ vaccine can be considered for individuals aged 4 years of age and older who have had dengue infection in the past and are:

  • planning to travel to dengue where there is a risk of dengue infection or areas with an ongoing outbreak of dengue


  • exposed to dengue virus through their work, for example, laboratory staff working with the virus.

Guidance on use of Qdenga®▼ is available in the JCVI minutes February 2024.

Qdenga®▼ is a live vaccine (it contains live, attenuated dengue virus) and cannot be given to travellers who are immunosuppressed (have a weakened immune system), pregnant or breastfeeding. This vaccine is also contraindicated (cannot be given) for those with hypersensitivity to any component of the vaccine and for children under four years of age.


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Recent News on Dengue

Global dengue risk reminder

Dengue is a virus spread by mosquitoes found in tropical and sub-tropical regions worldwide, including parts of Europe

Updated: 01 May 2024

Qdenga® dengue vaccine guidance

Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) deliberations on Qdenga® vaccine now available

Updated: 21 March 2024

Dengue: the Caribbean region

An increase in cases of dengue have been reported in the Caribbean region

Updated: 06 February 2024

Locally acquired cases of dengue in France

Cases of dengue have been reported in southern and northern France

Updated: 25 October 2023

Recent Dengue Outbreaks

18 September 2024

Dengue in USA

As of 14 September 2024, a total of 35 cases of locally acquired dengue have been reported in Florida since the start of the year. Most of the cases (24) were DENV-3, 4 cases were DENV-1 and for the remaining 4 cases, the serogroup is unknown.

Take usual precautions

16 September 2024

Dengue in Spain

On 9 September 2024, the Catalonian Public Health Agency reported the detection of five non-travel-associated dengue cases in Tarragona province. These are the first autochthonous dengue cases detected in Spain in 2024.

Take usual precautions

13 September 2024

Dengue in Italy

As of 13 September 2024, two locally acquired cases of dengue have been reported in 2024 from Emilia-Romagna and Lombardy regions.

Take usual precautions

12 September 2024

Dengue in Honduras

As of 24 August 2024, a total of 123,267 dengue cases, with 52 deaths, have been reported in 2024. DENV-1, DENV-2 , DENV-3 and DENV-4 have all been identified in the country.

Take usual precautions